Category: Business Strategies and Planning

How Acquisitions Succeed

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA and Howard W. Fisher A company that plans its acquisitions strategy in advance of a transaction will greatly improve its likelihood of executing a successful acquisition. A well thought out acquisition process helps a company to focus on establishing a plan and achieving the goal of acquiring the right…
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Are National Trade Shows a Good Use of Marketing Dollars?

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA For smaller companies, national trade shows are very expensive and can be the largest use of some companies’ marketing dollars. Look at all of the costs associated with trade shows from the booth, to prepaying for exhibit space, all the shipping costs to get trade show items there and…
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100-Day Employee-Integration Plan for Mergers and Acquisitions 

By Bruce Haseley, SPHR, and Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Before employees who were part of a merger or acquisition can commit to a new business organization that resulted from the transaction, they need the answer to the one question they all share: How does this affect me? A 100-day employee-integration plan and an effective…
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Making Your Mark—Tips for Identifying, Adopting, and Protecting a Trademark

by Damon Ashcraft, Esq. & Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA For business owners, trademarks can become one of your most valuable intangible assets as they allow consumers to identify your brand of goods or services and distinguish them from those of your competitors. Adopting a proper trademark helps you achieve critical brand recognition, promotion, and…
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How to Profit from the Commoditization of Products and Services

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Manufacturers and service providers need to realize that their product or service will start on a path to becoming a commodity on the first day it is sold to a customer. There are ways to protect products and services with patents, copyrights, and trademarks, but the fact is that…
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Implementing a Business Exit Strategy

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA and Howard W. Fisher Business owners need to have a complete understanding of how to successfully prepare a business for sale, which will save time and reduce the stress that goes along with implementing an exit strategy. The process of selling a business is stressful unto itself, with due…
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Letters of Intent: An Underused Tool to Get a Deal to “Done”

By James P. O’Sullivan, Esq. & Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Entrepreneurs seeking to buy or sell businesses may start the process informally, but all deals conclude with some form of binding written agreement. A preliminary and often largely nonbinding document called a “letter of intent” (LOI) or “memorandum of understanding” can be a great…
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The Importance of Measuring Salespeople’s Performance

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Sales are the key to every company’s success and the reason for every company being in business. However, often salespeople are left to their own devices, which can cause the demise of a company. Set Sales Quotas for Sales Reps Sales performance is the easiest goal to measure in…
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Financial Business Modeling can Help Executives Predict Outcomes

By: Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Basic Assumptions Related to a Business Decision Executives base major financial business decisions on a series of assumptions most often centered on risk and cost. For a new line of goods, risk factors include projections, such as, “The new product line will grow at X rate.” Or, if a…
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Five Options for Utilizing Free Cash Flow

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Envision free cash flow for a business, to the tune of $25 million. The question is: What’s management’s wisest use of that extra cash? There are numerous ways for a business to use additional working capital, and here are five major options every business should consider. 1. Shore Up…
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