Tag: Revenue

Determining Value for a Company

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA & Howard Fisher Many business owners believe their companies have unique characteristics, which buyers will value highly, regardless of revenue volume and profitability.  Based on this notion these owners also believe that conventional valuation approaches and methods are not applicable for their companies.  While it is true that each…
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When You’re Selling Your Company: Key Choices, Key Moves

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA  and Howard W. Fisher After careful consideration, you have decided to sell your company and turn your equity into cash, diversifying your personal wealth.  Two basic types of transactions are available: asset purchase or stock purchase. An asset purchase is the most common form of a business sale transaction…
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Cash is King of the Balance Sheet

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA and Howard W. Fisher Every business owner or manager knows that to pay the bills, make payroll, or buy capital equipment, the company needs cash. The issue for business owners and managers is to manage the cash resource applications in mind and especially during cash flow shortfalls. Why Cash…
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Make More Profit by Managing Gross Margin

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA and Howard W. Fisher The difference between a company’s net sales and the related cost of goods sold is gross margin. Gross margin is represented as both a number and a percent. Understanding the differences and relationships between the gross margin as a number and a percent is paramount…
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Proprietary Product Lines and Their Benefits to Distributors

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA and William E. Siburg, CPIM Distributors Build Brand Awareness for Manufacturers Distribution can be defined as the marketing and merchandising of another company’s products.  Manufacturers consider distribution to be a key component of their marketing and sales strategies because distributors help create brand awareness through the sale of manufacturers’…
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How Acquisitions Succeed

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA and Howard W. Fisher A company that plans its acquisitions strategy in advance of a transaction will greatly improve its likelihood of executing a successful acquisition. A well thought out acquisition process helps a company to focus on establishing a plan and achieving the goal of acquiring the right…
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Are National Trade Shows a Good Use of Marketing Dollars?

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA For smaller companies, national trade shows are very expensive and can be the largest use of some companies’ marketing dollars. Look at all of the costs associated with trade shows from the booth, to prepaying for exhibit space, all the shipping costs to get trade show items there and…
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How to Profit from the Commoditization of Products and Services

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Manufacturers and service providers need to realize that their product or service will start on a path to becoming a commodity on the first day it is sold to a customer. There are ways to protect products and services with patents, copyrights, and trademarks, but the fact is that…
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The Importance of Measuring Salespeople’s Performance

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Sales are the key to every company’s success and the reason for every company being in business. However, often salespeople are left to their own devices, which can cause the demise of a company. Set Sales Quotas for Sales Reps Sales performance is the easiest goal to measure in…
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Financial Business Modeling can Help Executives Predict Outcomes

By: Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Basic Assumptions Related to a Business Decision Executives base major financial business decisions on a series of assumptions most often centered on risk and cost. For a new line of goods, risk factors include projections, such as, “The new product line will grow at X rate.” Or, if a…
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