Tag: Revenue

Chart of Largest Sources of Imported Goods to the U.S.

This chart shows how, over the past 30 years, the composition of US trade among its major trading partners has changed dramatically. China became the largest supplier of US imports in 2009 until 2018. Mexico overtook China as the second-largest supplier of imported goods into the US in 2023. A combination of new tariffs, (a…
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Deleveraging the Business

The economy is in flux, interest rates are increasing and lenders are tightening their loan covenants. Business executives need to aware of how leveraged their business’s balance sheet is and the loan covenants that relate to the debt. Business executives need to understand the best method for them to deleverage their business.   Deleveraging is…
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Chart of 15 and 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Averages in United States

The graph shows that mortgage rates for fixed-rate mortgages: the 15-year and 30-year. Every data point is the average rate offered at that point in time for new mortgages. It should be noted that the graph shows the most current rates, which few people with existing mortgages are actually paying. Homeowners that have existing mortgages…
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Importance of Proprietary Product Lines and Brands to the Business

Proprietary Product Lines and Brands Help a Company! Proprietary product lines and brands provide a business with complete ownership and control over their product lines and brands. A business with proprietary lines and brands controls the product’s price, quality, branding, and image in distribution. With proprietary product lines and brands the business controls distributor’s sales…
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Chart of Personal Saving Rate from January 1959 to May 2021

Personal saving is a percentage of disposable personal income (DPI) and is calculated as the ratio of personal saving to DPI. Personal saving is equal to personal income less the personal outlays and personal taxes; it may be viewed as the portion of personal income that is used either to provide funds to capital markets,…
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Being Cheap Can Cost Money

Everyone has experienced the cost versus value decision.  Should I buy the best or the cheapest product that I am looking for?   Sure, there are times that buying a lesser quality or last year’s model will have little to no effect on the product you are looking to purchase.  If you are buying a…
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Graph of CPI and PPI from December 1950 to March 2021

As of March 2021, both the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and PPI (Producer Price Index) have shown increases.  The CPIs are based on prices for food, clothing, shelter, and fuels; transportation fares; service fees, such as water and sewer service, and sales taxes. The producer price index (PPI) measures the price that industrial producers get…
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The Upside and Downside of Economic Transition Risk

There are businesses that do well and prosper during difficult economic time (recession, pandemic, legislative changes, inflation) while other businesses struggle or go out of business.   Businesses that experienced an economic upside during the pandemic were real estate, home furnishings, home improvement and technology companies.  People moved to the suburbs, set up home offices,…
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Map of the Hourly Wage by State

As of January 1, 2020, the Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.  There are numerous states that have set their minimum wages higher than the Federal minimum wage.  See the map below for your state’s minimum wage. An employer of tipped employees is only required to pay that employee $2.13 per hour in direct…
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Chart of Miles Traveled by Passengers in Car, Airplane and Train

At the onset of the pandemic, many consumers cancelled personal and business travel plans.   Teleconferencing replaced business travel and social gatherings.  Between February and May 2020, train and airplane travel declined 96 percent and 91 percent, respectively, while travel by car declined 27 percent. The increase in traveling by car since April 2020 reflects the…
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