Category: Employee Integration

How to Hold a Productive Meeting

We have all attended a meeting, whether it be an Executive Staff meeting or an important business  meeting, where you have sat in the chair for hours and leave the meeting feeling like it was a colossal  waste of your time.   What makes you leave those types of meetings feeling as if you would…
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A Strategic Plan is About Communication

A Strategic Plan is about communicating financial and operational objectives by taking numbers and converting them to words. The reason for Strategic Planning is to implement a plan of action that will make the business’s Vision/Strategic Plan a reality.  Strategic Planning is the actual process of implementing a Strategic Plan that has set obtainable and…
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Chart of Personal Saving Rate from January 1959 to June 2020

Personal saving is equal to personal income less personal outlays and personal taxes; or can be viewed as the portion of personal income that is used either to provide funds to capital markets or to invest in real assets such as residences. Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income (DPI), frequently referred to…
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Everyone Hates Annual Performance Reviews – Stop Doing Them

Manager’s hate writing and delivering annual performance reviews.  Employees hate doing self-appraisals and the dreaded annual review meeting.  Why?  For one, this might be the only formal feedback an employee receives all year.  There’s a lot riding on it.  Raises are often tied to the overall rating which adds to the pressure.  Even for employees…
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Turning Two Negative Job Functions into One Positive Job Function

When I talk with business executives and managers two of the most negative job functions they are responsible for are: Annual employee performance reviews How to engage employees in the business’s goals and objectives. The key to solving these two negative job functions is to combine the two activities into a positive job function that…
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Elephant in the Room or Mice Under the Door

As a leader of a business you must determine what are the hard issues that need to be dealt with and what issues are the most pressing to resolve. Once an “Elephant in the Room” issue is verbalized, it’s easy to identify and discuss with staff about possible resolutions.  Examples of these types of issues…
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Chart of Annual Unemployment Rate Since 1948

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics define unemployment as: The unemployment rate represents the number of unemployed as a percentage of the labor force. Labor force data are restricted to people 16 years of age and older, who currently reside in 1 of the 50 states or the District of Columbia, who do not reside in…
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100-Day Employee-Integration Plan for Mergers and Acquisitions 

By Bruce Haseley, SPHR, and Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Before employees who were part of a merger or acquisition can commit to a new business organization that resulted from the transaction, they need the answer to the one question they all share: How does this affect me? A 100-day employee-integration plan and an effective…
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