Category: Mergers and Acquisitions

Chart of Total Business Applications in the United States from July 2004 to May 2021

The chart below shows the core business applications series that correspond to a subset of all applications for an Employer Identification Number (EIN).  The chart below shows that the US economy is creating new businesses at a strong pace. The business formation statistics only cover applications for an EIN. Therefore, certain businesses initiated without an…
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Bar Chart of All Patents Originated in All US and Foreign Countries from January 1992 to January 2019

The bar chart below shows U.S. Granted Patents: Total Patents Originating in all U.S. and Foreign Regions. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Total patents issued is the sum of utility, plant, design, and reissue patents granted.   The Siburg Company specializes in buy-side and sell-side mergers and acquisitions, and…
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Graph of CPI and PPI from December 1950 to March 2021

As of March 2021, both the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and PPI (Producer Price Index) have shown increases.  The CPIs are based on prices for food, clothing, shelter, and fuels; transportation fares; service fees, such as water and sewer service, and sales taxes. The producer price index (PPI) measures the price that industrial producers get…
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The “Feckless Business”

The “Feckless Business” is a business that is managed irresponsibly and lacks initiative.  Or another way of putting it, a business that has no budget or strategic plan and just exists day to day with ownership and management dealing with problems of their own making.   It is easy being a “Feckless Business” with no…
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Willful Blindness

“Willful Blindness” in a business is the conscious act of avoiding the truth, which gives credence to the knowledge of an issue in question, but never resolving the issue. Willful blindness can be at any level of management or on any type of business issue that needs to be addressed and resolved. A business’s willful…
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What Is The Path Forward Into 2021?

What is the path forward into 2021? A strategic plan will make the journey into 2021 easier.

Chart of Housing Starts and 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate from July 1974 to July 2020

Monetary policy affects interest rates, which affect mortgages, which affect decisions in the housing market. The red line in the graph is the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (right axis) from July 1974 to July 2020. The blue line in the graph is the ratio of housing starts built by contractors over housing starts built by…
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Chart of Federal Reserve Total Assets Held from December 18, 2002 to September 2, 2020

The total assets held by the Federal Reserve include Treasury securities, Mortgage Backed Securities, and Repurchase agreements, in addition to other assets. As of September 2, 2020, the Federal Reserve had total assets of $7,017,492 (in millions of dollars) and as of September 4, 2019, the Federal Reserve had total assets of $3,761,508 (in millions…
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Eight Essential Elements of an Exit Strategy for Business Owners

By Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA and Stephen E. Koons, CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA All business owners will need to transition their businesses to new owners at some point in time. The new owners could be business partners or family members, and transactions range from management buy-outs to outright sales of the businesses on the open market.…
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100-Day Employee-Integration Plan for Mergers and Acquisitions 

By Bruce Haseley, SPHR, and Daniel R. Siburg, CPA, CVA Before employees who were part of a merger or acquisition can commit to a new business organization that resulted from the transaction, they need the answer to the one question they all share: How does this affect me? A 100-day employee-integration plan and an effective…
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