Tag: Financial Information

Chart of Largest Sources of Imported Goods to the U.S.

This chart shows how, over the past 30 years, the composition of US trade among its major trading partners has changed dramatically. China became the largest supplier of US imports in 2009 until 2018. Mexico overtook China as the second-largest supplier of imported goods into the US in 2023. A combination of new tariffs, (a…
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Chart of Net Change of Net Worth by Age Group From Under Age 25 to Age 65 and Over

This chart shows household wealth increases and decreases when the values of financial assets and housing assets go up and down. Increases and decreases in net worth, which is the difference between the value of your assets and the value of your liabilities and the impact age has on the net worth of households. This…
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Selling or Buying a buisness

Walking the Path to Selling or Buying a Business in 2024

Getting on the right path to selling or buying a business in 2024? The right business M&A strategy will make taking this path easier! The Siburg Company specializes in sell-side and buy-side mergers and acquisitions advisory services. Contact us at (480) 502-2800

Chart of FED Fund Rate and 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Averages in United States

The graph shows the spread between the Federal Funds Effective Rate and 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States. The Federal Funds Rate is the central interest rate in the U.S. financial markets. The Federal Reserve decisions related to Federal Funds Rate plays a role in mortgage interest rates, but its actions only…
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Selling a Business is Hard Work

Business owners need to understand and accept that: Clean business and accounting records are important to the sales process. Internal pre-sale “due diligence” is the right and smart thing to do. A third party “M&A data room” needs to be used. It takes substantial time and effort to sell a business – time range of…
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Chart of 15 and 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Averages in United States

The graph shows that mortgage rates for fixed-rate mortgages: the 15-year and 30-year. Every data point is the average rate offered at that point in time for new mortgages. It should be noted that the graph shows the most current rates, which few people with existing mortgages are actually paying. Homeowners that have existing mortgages…
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Why a Proper Electronic Data Room is Important

Years ago, the data room for a M&A transaction was an actual secure room in the building filled with banker boxes stuffed with due diligence information and only one interested party at a time could gain access to the data room. If an interested party wanted to take information back to their office for additional…
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Importance of Proprietary Product Lines and Brands to the Business

Proprietary Product Lines and Brands Help a Company! Proprietary product lines and brands provide a business with complete ownership and control over their product lines and brands. A business with proprietary lines and brands controls the product’s price, quality, branding, and image in distribution. With proprietary product lines and brands the business controls distributor’s sales…
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Graph of U.S. Net Exports of Technology from January 1967 to March 2021

Net exports of technology are measured as royalties and license fees received minus royalties and license fees paid as a percentage of GDP. Net exports of technology are measured as royalties and license fees received minus royalties and license fees paid as a percentage of GDP. The Siburg Company specializes in buy-side and sell-side mergers…
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Timing When to Sell a Business

Timing is important, but how often does someone actually get the timing just right? Wait and the timing will be better.  Do it now because the timing is right.  Wait too long and the timing is wrong.  Sometimes people just make the decision to sell and the stars align.  The business is ready to sell,…
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