Tag: Equity

Planning to Sell the Business?

Owner(s) often sell their business to diversify their personal financial holdings.  When a majority of an owner’s net worth is tied up in the business, the owner(s) often sell their business to lower their risk concentration and increase their personal liquidity by selling their business. There are numerous reasons and life events that can motivate…
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Importance of Proprietary Product Lines and Brands to the Business

Proprietary Product Lines and Brands Help a Company! Proprietary product lines and brands provide a business with complete ownership and control over their product lines and brands. A business with proprietary lines and brands controls the product’s price, quality, branding, and image in distribution. With proprietary product lines and brands the business controls distributor’s sales…
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Graph of U.S. Net Exports of Technology from January 1967 to March 2021

Net exports of technology are measured as royalties and license fees received minus royalties and license fees paid as a percentage of GDP. Net exports of technology are measured as royalties and license fees received minus royalties and license fees paid as a percentage of GDP. The Siburg Company specializes in buy-side and sell-side mergers…
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Timing When to Sell a Business

Timing is important, but how often does someone actually get the timing just right? Wait and the timing will be better.  Do it now because the timing is right.  Wait too long and the timing is wrong.  Sometimes people just make the decision to sell and the stars align.  The business is ready to sell,…
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Being Cheap Can Cost Money

Everyone has experienced the cost versus value decision.  Should I buy the best or the cheapest product that I am looking for?   Sure, there are times that buying a lesser quality or last year’s model will have little to no effect on the product you are looking to purchase.  If you are buying a…
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Chart of Total Business Applications in the United States from July 2004 to May 2021

The chart below shows the core business applications series that correspond to a subset of all applications for an Employer Identification Number (EIN).  The chart below shows that the US economy is creating new businesses at a strong pace. The business formation statistics only cover applications for an EIN. Therefore, certain businesses initiated without an…
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Bar Chart of All Patents Originated in All US and Foreign Countries from January 1992 to January 2019

The bar chart below shows U.S. Granted Patents: Total Patents Originating in all U.S. and Foreign Regions. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Total patents issued is the sum of utility, plant, design, and reissue patents granted.   The Siburg Company specializes in buy-side and sell-side mergers and acquisitions, and…
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The Upside and Downside of Economic Transition Risk

There are businesses that do well and prosper during difficult economic time (recession, pandemic, legislative changes, inflation) while other businesses struggle or go out of business.   Businesses that experienced an economic upside during the pandemic were real estate, home furnishings, home improvement and technology companies.  People moved to the suburbs, set up home offices,…
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Map of the Hourly Wage by State

As of January 1, 2020, the Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.  There are numerous states that have set their minimum wages higher than the Federal minimum wage.  See the map below for your state’s minimum wage. An employer of tipped employees is only required to pay that employee $2.13 per hour in direct…
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The “Feckless Business”

The “Feckless Business” is a business that is managed irresponsibly and lacks initiative.  Or another way of putting it, a business that has no budget or strategic plan and just exists day to day with ownership and management dealing with problems of their own making.   It is easy being a “Feckless Business” with no…
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